This contents of this FAQ form part of the Rules & Regulations that govern the tenancies between the Lessor and the Tenant.

HabitELLE has a very simple booking application process that is all online.
Echa un vistazo a nuestras increíbles casas y elijas la que más te convenga. Comprueba que la ubicación te conviene (todas nuestras propiedades habitELLE cuentan con excelentes conexiones de transporte público y algunas incluso cuentan con aparcamiento vigilado para bicicletas, motos y coches) y busca fechas disponibles.

Remember, you will only be sharing with other females and we use our matcHER compatibility software so that you can share wonderful experiences with other tenants with similar interests and backgrounds.

It’s so easy to make a reservation request with habitelle. It’s all online so its quick and simple.

Just fill out a few details about yourself in the form we will send you and we will send you a booking confirmation acceptance email with a link to make the payment.

Once we receive your payment, your booking is confirmed, and we await you in the great city of Barcelona!

  1. Visit www.habitelle.com and choose habitELLE in which you wish to stay.
  2. Request the dates that you are looking to stay for.
  3. You must state if you are employed, if you are a freelancer or if you are a university student.
  4. You must also provide your ID number for EU citizens and passport number if you are a non-EU citizen. You must state the country of issue of your ID card or passport.
  5. You must provide your full permanent address and your mobile phone number.
  6. You must state if you are responsible for paying your rent or if someone will be guaranteeing your rent (for example a family member).
  7. Provide information to our tenant check partners Quota Rent (see 4. Below)
  8. Pay for your habiPak
  9. Send your booking deposit
  10. And your booking is completed!

You will need to send us a copy of your identity card (European) or passport (non-European) and:

If you are a full-time employee:

  • Your employment contract
  • Your pay slips for the last 3 months (nominas)
  • Contact person and their email at your place of work who can confirm your employment


If you work as a freelancer:
If you work as a freelancer, you will need to send us:

  • Evidence of your work as a freelancer (contracts signed with 3rd parties that demonstrate you providing work/services to them). These contracts must be within the previous 3 months to your move in date
  • Bank statements for the previous 3 months that shows regular income from your freelance work
  • For all bookings up to 3 months, payment in advance is required


If you are a student or intern:

  • A copy of your acceptance letter or enrolment document from your university/school or a copy of your internship
  • Contact person and their email at your university who can confirm your enrolment or your internship
  • You will also be asked to confirm who will be paying the deposit and monthly rent.
  • We may require upfront payment for the full stay on booking confirmation.
  • We may require that you provide a Guarantor for your rent payment obligations


Finally, you will need to complete a form with all your personal and stay information. You will also need to read and accept our Regulations and Terms and Conditions.

In some circumstances it may be necessary to undertake a tenant check. This has not cost for tenants.

We do ask tenants to provide any information requested by our partner Quota Rent, who undertake the checks for us.

The quicker you provide the information requested, the quicker we can approve your booking.

If a tenant loses one or more keys to the building, apartment or room, she must pay the cost of replacing them. The cost of replacing the keys is stated in the rental contract. If a tenant leaves a key in the lock of a room or apartment from the inside, thus preventing the door from being opened from the outside, the cost of calling the locksmith will be borne entirely by the tenant, who must pay the cost directly to the locksmith. The other tenants of the apartment will not be responsible for this cost. En caso de que una inquilina deje una llave en la cerradura de una habitación o apartamento desde el interior, impidiendo así la apertura de la puerta desde el exterior, el coste de la llamada al cerrajero correrá íntegramente a cargo de la inquilina, que deberá abonar directamente el coste al cerrajero. Las demás inquilinas del apartamento no se harán cargo de este coste.

The single rental price includes:

A superbly fully furnished and equipped private bedroom and great shared spaces in the apartment and in the building common areas

Our rental prices are all inclusive. Peace of mind for HER!

24/7 helpHER hotline – when you a helping hand for emergencies

Unlimited super-fast free 1GB Wi-Fi

The rent includes a maximum of €50/month utilities. In the summer months an additional air conditioning deposit applies (depending on the property).

All taxes and expenses included

Weekly cleaning of the common areas of the flats habitELLE

All maintenance and facility management services

For all units habitELLE,there is an application habitELLE which you as a tenant can download and use to report incidents in the flat, take advantage of special offers and services only available to tenants of the building, including habitelle tenants, and many more useful tips and benefits.

Our co-living manager is available for any questions or help.


We will return the deposit subject to the Terms and Conditions of the rental contract between 31 and 62 days after your departure and once we have verified that there was no damage to your room or apartment and that you have followed and respected all the Rules and Regulations during your stay. The deposit and deposit of expenses will be returned net of the bank transfer expenses that will be borne by the tenant (in case of transfers outside the EU).

In order to make your booking, you will need to select and pay for the habiPak rental service pack and, depending on the dates of your stay make a summer supplement utility deposit as follows:

  •  May eur 50
  •  June eur 75
  •  July eur 75
  •  August eur 75
  •  September eur 75
  •  October eur 50

This summer supplement is payable in advance based on the period of your booking.

We will return the unused portion of your utility a/c supplement once we have received the actual meter readings for the period of your stay. This can take up to 120 days in some cases.

The habiPak costs eur 275 (incl. IVA) and includes the following:

  • The rental contract
  • 2 sets of bed linen, sheets, duvet set, pillows, towels and a bathrobe (property of habitELLE made available to the Lessor during the term of the lease))
  • Registration Procedure*.
  • Support with the appointment “Cita Previa para el NIE o TIE” **
  • Socia de nuestro programa SWITCH exclusivo (herramienta de intercambio de habitaciones habitELLE - ask for details)

* Empadronamiento: When you arrive, our team will guide you through the process and provide you with the necessary document to obtain your empadronamiento. To obtain an empadronamiento for your location habitELLE selected, you must have booked for at least 6 months.

You will need the Empadronamiento to access public services, to request a TIE or NIE and to open a bank account. Given the very long waiting lists to get appointments, it is recommended to request the Empadronamiento as soon as possible.

** habitELLE works with a specialist company that offers various packages to help you get your NIE or TIE. If you need assistance in obtaining your NIE or TIE, please make this request when you confirm your booking and we will ask the specialist company to contact you to start the process.

HabiPak ‘complementos’ (¡próximamente!)

You can add any of the following add-on services when you make and pay for your booking confirmation:

  • Rental of secured room wall safe for your own room: eur 10/month
  • Rental of additional furniture and equipment for your room and apartment
  • Weekly or bi-weekly cleaning of your own room: eur 20/single clean
  • Personal items home insurance (subject to insurer approval)
  • ½ day (3 hours) helpHER city orientation tour: eur 60

At habitELLE we really care about the environment, and we want our guests to be able to enjoy the habitELLE also worry about it!


That is why there is a monthly limit of consumption of eur 50 included in your monthly rent which covers your consumption of water, electricity, hot water and gas (where applicable). This utility amount of eur 50/month excludes the use of air conditioning (a/c) during the months from May to October.


A supplementary air conditioning deposit for the summer month is payable at the time of booking and applies to the summer months corresponding to your stay. 


We will refund the unused portion of your air conditioning supplement once we have received actual meter readings for the period of your stay. This can take up to 120 days in some cases.


The utility allowance is a monthly amount and is included in the rent you pay, and is pro-ratered for the number of days you occupy your room in the apartment.


When a tenant is away from the room/apartment for any period of time during their tenancy, they are still responsible for the cost of consumption of utilities above the eur 50 included in their rent, irrespective for the period of time they were away. Normal attribution of any overuse applies.

When you booking request is accepted, you will need to confirm your booking by paying the deposit and the habipak.

Payment method:

  • Bank transfer: we will provide you with the details of the bank account of habitELLE. Remember that we require the full amount to be transferred to our account, so make sure you tick the box that says you are responsible for all bank transfer costs when you make the transfer.

The options to pay your rent and additional costs are as follows:

Rental contracts - up to 3 months long

For rental contracts up to 3 months in duration, the total amount of rent must be paid in advance and in addition to the habipak and any summer utility supplement deposits. Any rental payment paid by the Tenant in advance for the whole period of the stay is strictly non-fundable in the event of a booking cancellation.

Advance payment – 12 months

For bookings of at least 12 months which are paid in advance, we will apply a 5% discount to the total rent amount. This is only applicable to the rent amount and not utilities or any other add on costs. Any rental payment paid by the Tenant in advance for the whole period of the stay is strictly non-fundable in the event of a booking cancellation.

Advance payment - any period longer than 1 month

Any rental payment paid by the Tenant in advance for the whole period of the stay is strictly non-fundable in the event of a booking cancellation.

Monthly payments

When you sign the rental agreement (online) You can pay in two ways:

  • Bank transfer: We will provide you with the details of the bank account of habitELLE. Remember that we require the full amount to be transferred to our account, so remember to make sure you tick the box that says you are responsible for all bank transfer costs when you make the transfer.
  • Direct debit: For EU bank account holders, you can also choose to pay by direct debit. You will need to sign a direct debit form that expressly authorises habitELLE to debit your bank account for bills and charges relating to your rental, including the cost of Additional Services, and any penalties and penalties which will be identified as such on the direct debit provided by the tenant to habitELLE on the start date of the lease. This is signed when you sign the lease. If you provide another person as guarantor, we must be provided with the guarantor's details for inclusion in the lease.


To open a Revolut bank account, use this link https://revolut.ngih.net/c/3072577/1174350/9626

The last 2 months rent payments of the Lease Agreement must be paid by bank transfer only.


You will need to sign the rental agreement before you move in. This is done online via Signaturit.

Remember that the first month’s rent (or the full rental amount for stays up to 3 months) needs to have already been transferred to our bank account before you are provided with the keys to the apartment and your room.

In case of the cancellation of a booking, penalizations will be applied:

  • Cancellations of bookings confirmed at least 90 days prior to the contract start date will be penalised with the payment of 50% of the deposit and additional charges.
  • Cancellations of bookings confirmed during the 90 days prior to the contract start date will be penalised with the full payment of the deposit and the expense deposit.
  • You can change the dates of your current booking up to 30 days before your arrival without penalty, as long as the total duration and rental value of the stay remains unchanged.
  • Si las fechas modificadas y el valor del contrato de alquiler son inferiores a la reserva original, entonces la penalización será el pago total del depósito y el suplemento de gastos y habitELLE tendrá derecho a no aceptar ninguna modificación si no hay disponibilidad en la propiedad.
  • Para situaciones excepcionales de fuerza mayor, habitELLE puede renunciar a algunas o todas las penalizaciones caso por caso, a su entera discreción.

You can reduce/cancel your rental agreement according to the following terms:

  • For contracts of 1 to 3 months: The rent is paid in advance, so cancellations are not allowed, and the rent paid is not returned.
  • For contracts of 3 to 6 months: minimum 2 months' notice and a fine of 1 month's rent.
  • For contracts of 6 to 12 months: minimum 3 months' notice and a fine of 2 months' rent.
  • The Security Deposit cannot be used to pay the rental penalty.

The reduction/cancellation of the contract shall entail the corresponding penalty and we shall refund the deposit in full (according to final review (inventory) and consumption of expenses and eliminate future payments. To confirm the contract modification, it is necessary to pay the penalty and sign the early termination document within 24 hours of receipt of the early termination document via Signaturit or other online signature means. The termination date of a cancelled contract must always be the last day of the month taking into account the above notice periods, unless we agree otherwise in writing.

For the payment of the fine or any other outstanding payments, the Lessee authorizes the Lessor to charge the corresponding fine(s) in his bank account by SEPA/CORE direct debit already signed.

You can extend your rental contract as long as the requested room is available at an extra cost of €100 (single payment per extension). You can make as many extensions as you want as long as we have availability. Should the published rent for the room that you rented, increase between the initial rental contract start date and the new requested extension, the rent for the extension shall be the new published rent.

The extension will only be effective when the payment of the fee has been made and the document annexed to the corresponding contract has been signed.

In the event that a booking was made based on the discounted rate for arrival and departure dates (see 15. below), it is not possible to extend your stay by moving the departure date to suit the discounted rate already booked.

The rate to be applied to any extension will be the daily rate of 40 eur/night or the monthly rate plus a 100 eur extension fee. Any extension is subject to availability and at the sole discretion of habitELLEand may involve a change of room, room type and flat (same building).

You can change your room during your rental contract as long as the requested room is available at an extra cost of 100€ (one-off payment per request). The change will only be effective once the corresponding fee has been paid and the document attached to the contract has been signed.


- Tenants arriving before the room availability time can leave their luggage in the flat before their room keys are available. If bags are left in the common areas of the flat, tenants do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own luggage habitELLE is not liable for any loss or damage.


• Early check in (de 08.00ha 09.00h) y late check in (de 19.00ha 21.00h). Arrivals and arrivals on weekends will have an extra cost of 50 €.


The last day of your rental contract, you will need to leave your bedroom before 10.00h. In case you need to stay longer, just let us know.


Arrivals after 21.00h are not permitted.

Arrivals will be scheduled through by email to you. If you have any questions, you can always contact us by email or phone.


It is necessary and very important that you send us your arrival information at least one month in advance so that our team can organize everything.


Remember that you must make all your payments before your check in order to receive the keys to your apartment and room.


Departures must also be confirmed one month in advance.


Failure to confirm departures within the one-month deadline will result in the forfeiture of the booking deposit.


If you arrive:

  • Between the 1st and the 12th day of each month, you will need to pay the complete month.
  • Between the 12th or the 20th day of each month, we will discount you 10% of your rent for the first month.
  • The 20th of the month or later, you will pay per day. The price per night is 40€/person.

If you leave:

  • Between the 1st and the 12th day of each month, you will pay per day. The Price per night is 40€/person
  • Between the 12th and the 20th day of each month, we will discount you 10% of your rent for the last month.
  • The 20th of the month or later, you will need to pay the complete month.


The utility allowance of eur 50 per month and is not subject to any reduction as a result of arriving after the 1st of the month or departing before last day of the month.
You can do all your payments online using the links we will provide you by email bank transfer.

In case you pay by bank transfer or similar the amount of the payment must be exact, and the transfer costs must be assumed by the applicant. Transfer should indicate the name and last name of the tenant.

The minimum stay is 3 months, and the maximum stay is 12 months. For stays shorter than 3 months but of at least 1 month will be considered subject to availability. You can always extend/renew your rental contract in case you want to keep enjoying and incredible life experience.

The inventory list is included in your rental contract. On the day of your arrival, please check that everything is according to the inventory list. If you wish to make a comment on the inventory, you must do so by email or by using the application habitELLE within 24 hours of your arrival.

All our apartments accept the registration (empadronamiento) of all its Tenants. The requirement to be able to do the registration is that the rental contract is for at least 3 months. These 3 minimum months of stay in case of registration, are mandatory and cannot be reduced in any case. The registration process is carried out by the tenant.

HabitELLE will provide the tenant with the necessary documents for registration. It will be the tenant's responsibility to make an appointment with the Town Hall, please apply as soon as possible so that our team has time to prepare the documents.

The registration date can never be prior to the starting date of the rental contract.

Our habitELLE The inauguration is in the Montjuic area of Barcelona. We are growing and working to have new habitELLE in new areas in the near future.

Junto a todas nuestras viviendas habitELLE Coliving you will find public transport such as metro and bus, shops, supermarkets, bars and restaurants, schools, large companies and much more.

We offer flats from 4 to 9 bedrooms. All our properties habitELLE are fully furnished and equipped with everything you will need during your stay. You will find a room with a comfortable bed, bedside table or bookshelf, a work area with desk, chair and desk lamp, wardrobe and heating system (and in some houses there is also air conditioning). Each room is special to us, and you will find extras in each one. You can check them out on our website.

All our apartments have a kitchen that is completely equipped, a comfortable living area with sofas and big tables to enjoy your stay with your flatmates and at least, one complete bathroom with shower or bathtub. On average we have two bathrooms per 4 bedrooms, but this can change depending on the property. Please check each property to see the bathroom ratio per number of tenants.

Each apartment is as unique as you are, and you will find different extra commodities in each one, check all information about each home on our website.

In some properties habitELLEWe also provide storage rooms for personal belongings, bicycles, etc. This is free of charge.

Yes, our double rooms can have two single beds and may be shared by two friends (only Sants Montjuic). We do not accept couples.

You must be 18 years old to apply for a bedroom with us.

Unfortunately, we do not accept couples or families.

Some of our apartments offer a pet friendly double room with a minimum stay requirement and strict pet housekeeping rules.

Yes, you can have visits during the daily hours (10:00 to 22:00h). You will always be responsible of the behaviour of your visitors and the damages that they can cause. If you wish to invite a male guest, you must ask your fellow habiteller flatmates if they are ok with having a male visitor (male guests are forbidden from staying the night).

  • You may have one guest per month who can sleep in your room for a maximum of 3 consecutive nights free of charge, subject to prior authorisation by the habitELLE via email to [email protected]
  • They can stay free of charge but they must pay a daily expenses fee of 5 euros (during the months of November to April) and a daily fee of 10 euros (during the months of May to October) which will contribute to the flat's expenses. This must be paid by bank transfer before the arrival of the guest. 
  • Guest may stay an additional 4 consecutive nights (total up to 7 nights) subject to roommates’ approval and habitelle email approval. 
  • The additional nightly rate is 30 EUR/night, plus daily charges of 5/10 EUR. 
  • This must be requested via email prior to the guest's arrival and paid for in advance.
  • There is an inflatable bed, a duvet and a pillow included in the price and available in each apartment. 
  • Each tenant already has two sets of sheets and towels, so she can use one set for the guest during her stay.
  • Guest nights are strictly limited to women. 
  • As the bathrooms are shared, only one guest per flat can stay at a time. Tenants must obtain the agreement of all your flatmates and habitELLE before applying for a stay.
  • Having guests in the apartment without permission or authorization from habitelle will result in a penalty of €100 per night per guest.

No problem. We have live guided virtual tours of the apartment and building amenities. The guided tour is in English and Spanish. You can arrange a day and time that suits you best.

You can always send questions to our Angela, our Reservations Manager, at [email protected] or [email protected] and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

In order to protect the privacy of the existing tenants, we only undertake live guided virtual tours of the actual apartments and the rooms. You may of course visit the building and its amenities at any point of time that you choose. The guided virtual live tours are conducted in Spanish, French, Italian or English. If you wish to organize a personal guided virtual tour, please schedule by emailing [email protected] or [email protected].

When there is a gap between bookings for a room in your habitELLEwe offer you the possibility to invite a relative or friend to spend a few days completely free of charge. The stay is free of charge, but as the guest of the relative/friend, you will have to pay a daily contribution of 5 euros/day during the low consumption months (November to April) and 10 euros/day during the high consumption months (May to October), as well as a final cleaning charge of 25 euros for the room. This must be paid before the arrival of the relative/friend. Available rooms are offered on a first-come, first-served basis and on an equal basis between the tenants of the flats. The Tenant is also responsible for any damage or loss caused by their relative/friend as if they were occupying the room themselves.

Subject to availability and only in specific properties.

Depending on the property, there may be parking available for cars, motorbikes, and bicycles. Ask if parking is available at your selected property and ask for prices.

Parking for cars and motorcycles is on a first-come, first-served basis and cannot be guaranteed for all apartment occupants

HabitELLE is an all-female living environment. In all our pisios you will share with master's students, young professionals, digital nomads, freelancers, generally between 20 and 35 years old, from all over the world and with a profile very similar to yours.

If you want more specific information about who your habitELLE co-livers, feel free to ask our Booking Manager at any time and she will provide you with non-confidential information to give you an idea of who your next flatmates will be.

You can write to us at [email protected] or [email protected].

Of course, you can change your room or flat as often as you like to any of our properties habitELLE.

The fee for changing the room is €100 and will always depend on whether the room is available.


In some circumstances, habitELLE may require the tenant to move to another flat, but always in the same building. This could occur in one or more of the following circumstances:

  • That the number of occupied rooms in an apartment does not reach an occupancy of 50% of the total number of rooms in the apartment.
  • That the apartment needs urgent repairs and/or maintenance
  • For health and safety reasons
  • Due to disruptive behaviour and/or incompatibility of one the Tenants at the request of her co-tenants of the same apartment or at the direction of the Landlord.

Depending on the property, you can use the application habitELLE and/or contact your local habitELLE Co-living and a maintenance team will come to the flat to solve any problems. All we will need from you is a detailed explanation of what the incident is and photographs in which you identify yourself as well as possible. This will help us to better identify the type of incident and solve it as soon as possible.

Despite we are sure that you will collaborate taking out the trash daily, using the dishwasher, that you will have your bedroom very neat and will keep all common areas clean and tidy after using them, there is a weekly cleaning service of the common areas included on your monthly bill. In case you need it, we have extra cleaning services for your private bedroom, just ask us. We will check the tidiness and cleanliness of your room from time to time. We will always check with you before we do.

Keeping tidy and clean the apartment you are living in is your priority. Whist we provide weekly cleaning of the common areas and bathrooms, it is your responsibility and duty to maintain and keep clean the following:

All shower, bathtub, wash basin and bidet drain outlets must be kept permanently clear of hair. Please make sure that hair does not collect and block the drains. Should a blockage occur due to hair clogging the drains, we will pass on the charge of the plumber to the tenants occupying the apartment at the point of time of the drain blockage

  • The kitchen oven, stove and microwave must be kept clean and free of grease and dirt. Should we find that they are not being kept clean, we shall proceed to clean them, and the cost of the cleaning will be passed onto to the tenants occupying the apartment
  • The dishwasher must be kept clean and kept filled with dishwasher salt. Should we find that it is not being kept clean, we shall proceed to clean it, and the cost of the cleaning will be passed onto to the tenants occupying the apartment
  • The washing machine must be kept clean and the detergent trays clean and without hardened detergent residue. Should we find that it is not being kept clean, we shall proceed to clean it, and the cost of the cleaning will be passed onto to the tenants occupying the apartment

HabitELLE will notify the tenant one week in advance by email that the check-out date is approaching. On the day of departure and at the established time, which must always be before 10 am, an inspection of the room will be made to check that the room is returned in the same condition as it was at the time of the tenant's arrival (according to the inventory photos and the inventory list itself, both of the room itself and of the common areas (furniture, tools, equipment, etc.). The tenant is obliged to do the following:

  • Hand over your room in the same state of cleanliness that was delivered to you at the time of your entry. If the room is not returned in the same state of cleanliness at the time of entry, there will be a charge of eur 50 for cleaning said room.
  • Leave the 2 sets of sheets, pillow cases and towels and the bathrobe, folded and visible on top of the bed.
  • Leave the pillow, the main blanket and the small blanket folded on top of the drawers.

HabitELLE no es un hotel o un hostal donde vivirás con viajeros que van y vienen a diario. Vivir en un habitELLE co-living means living in community, sharing a life experience with people from all over the world who settle in Barcelona for a period of time to carry out their daily lives.

Of course, if you choose to stay in a shared room but have no one to share this experience with, we will find the perfect roommate to suit you. Of course, in a habitELLE this will always mean another roommate.

El equipo de habitELLE is available in person and online. In person, you may request to meet with the Operations Manager. Please book an appointment by email at [email protected] or Whatsapp.

The personal safety of our residents habitELLE es primordial para nosotros. Si te encuentras en una situación difícil en la que crees que tu seguridad personal está en riesgo o si tienes alguna otra inquietud con respecto a tsu seguridad personal, proporcionamos a cada una de nuestras residentes un número de línea directa para usar en caso de emergencia. La línea directa de habitELLE is available from 09:00h to 00:00h.

The Rules and Regulations/Frequently Asked Questions form an integral part of this Rental Agreement.

The Tenant agrees that habitelle periodically updates its Rules and Regulations/Frequently Asked Questions. These updated Rules and Regulations/Frequently Asked Questions will be notified by email and/or when the tenant accesses her desktop on the app HabitELLE.

Habitelle for companies

Habitelle for owners and investors

Thank you for contacting habitelle regarding your property that you are interested in habitelle managing for you. Please complete the below form and we will get back to you promptly!

Habitelle for tenants
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